“Living Lamma” is a registered non-profit green group founded in 2009. Over the decades, we have joined forces with Lamma residents, companies, schools and other parties, and conducted over hundreds of beach clean-ups. We have also engaged in various consultation processes such as sustainable development on the island and waste recycling, channelling voices towards different stakeholders and the government. In August 2020, the former chairman Jo Wilson and his executive committee of “Living Lamma” decided to withdraw from the post and passed on the baton to us. We thank Jo and his former committee members for their services over the last decade and are deeply honoured to be entrusted by them in continuing the missions of “Living Lamma” in maintaining a green and sustainable Lamma community. Today, “Living Lamma” takes actions to maintain our shorelines by beach clean-ups, to reduce waste generation in “Lamma Waste-no-mall” campaign and food waste recycling and to build up knowledge in local wildlife by biodiversity survey on the island. We aim to undertake more actions in building a greener and more sustainable Lamma and we hope you can be one of us! 「活在南丫」是一註冊非牟利環保團體,於2009年正式註册成立,「活在南丫」十多年來一直於南丫島進行海洋垃圾清理活動,聯同社區居民、公司或學校等不同機構,舉行了數百次的海岸清潔活動,並且經常就社區綠色建設、環保回收等議題,向政府及持份者提供意見。 2020年八月,「活在南丫」舊有的主席Jo Wilson 及其執委退出,由全新的主席及執委成員接任。我們感謝Jo 及其前執委成員十多年來的工作,亦深感榮幸能夠得到他們的信任,將「活在南丫」交給我們,為營造綠色南丫,繼續努力。 「活在南丫」目前的工作分別有海岸清潔活動、「南丫不是垃圾站」的源頭減廢行動、南丫廚餘回收再造及南丫島生物多樣性調查。我們未來將會有更多的行動實踐,期望大家一起努力,共建綠色南丫島。